Post by dbI know about setting \newcommand{cyr}... and then using \cyr{text}, but
the text is inside a bib-file. So if I set that command in the
manuscript and cite an article for which the bib-file contains the
cyrillic word in a note, will BibTeX know about it? Or how do I do it?
I need more help. I put in
but this doesn't work. How should it be?
It might be easier to use XeLaTeX with biblatex and biber than BiBTeX
and OT1
========================= test.tex
\newfontfamily{\cyrillicfont}{CMU Serif}
This cites \textcite{urban79}.
========================== test.bib
editor = {George Robert Urban},
title = {Communist Reformation},
ALTyear = {1979},
subtitle = {Nationalism, Internationalism and
Change in the World Communist Movement},
note = {Charts the rise of \textrussian{перестройка}
and \textrussian{гласность}},
publisher = {Temple Smith},
location = {London},
isbn = {085117180X},
pagetotal = {335},
url =
urldate = {2024-11-24}